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President’s Message                                                                                                 

2019 marks the 100th anniversary of the New York State Federation of Republican Women and we were thrilled to celebrate with many of our County club members and elected officials at our annual conference in Saratoga Springs, NY.  We had such a diverse group of speakers and the topics ranged from hot points of interest experienced by our female legislatures in the Senate and Assembly to human trafficking happening in our own backyards!  The discussions were extremely informative and engaging and the compliments received made it abundantly clear that we all have questions and concerns about our State, Country and the planet Earth!


We had many upsets in the November 2018 election…  and while we’ve been in the Assembly minority for quite some time, we lost the State Senate and a Democrat is still in the Governor’s mansion!  We are watching laws get passed that are not only horrific but undeniably go against everything we as Republicans believe are good and righteous.   Contrary to the beliefs from the Left, New York State is NOT open for business as many businesses close up shop and move elsewhere out of State.  And the thought of late term abortion via the Reproductive Health Act enacted on January 22, 2019 made us all cringe as we watched the Leaning Left clap with admiration and acclamation!


One of my main goals I have set out to accomplish as your new President is that of Membership within the NYSFRW!  Not only have we seen clubs leave the State Federation or have folded altogether, but we have seen a great reduction in members within the County clubs.  Every volunteer organization has their ebbs and flows and I am making it my mission to grow and rebuild throughout the State.


I will be traveling across the Counties and my greatest “problem” will be in how I plan to visit each of the 62 counties if possible.  So, I ask for your help!  This is OUR organization and the only way we can help it grow is with your energy, enthusiasm and input!


If you are NOT part of a club and would like to join one that may be in your area, please select the Clubs heading on our website ( to see if there is a Federated active club close to you!  If there is not, Let’s Talk!  My membership Vice President and I would love to help you get started with a grassroots effort and help you grow at your own pace!


If you are a member of a non-federated club and would like to become Federated under the New York State Federation of Republican Women and in turn the National Federation of Republican Women, please do not hesitate to reach out to me and “Let’s Talk” on how you go about doing just that! 

I am always available via email at or via cell at (716) 510-4453.


I thank you for visiting our website and I look forward to chatting with you soon!

Kindest Regards,

Kim M. Bowers

President, NYSFRW

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