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Standing Committee Chairs


Awards ..... Debra Hogan

The Awards Chair provides all Club Presidents with information about the awards program of the NFRW; where to locate the information on the NFRW website, and follows up with reminder contact throughout the year.   All award applications are due to State Presidents by June 1 of year of the Biennial Convention.

Every two years at the biennial convention, the NFRW presents the following awards to recognize and honor excellence at the state and club levels:

  • The Ronald Reagan Leadership Award honors a state president who has provided extraordinary leadership and inspiration to her state and to the NFRW.

  • The Betty Heitman Awards for State Excellence are presented to states that demonstrate excellence, achievement or accomplishment in community relations, programs, campaign activities and state functions.

  • The Club Achievement Awards are presented to clubs that demonstrate excellence in membership development, campaign activities, community relations, programs and club functions.

  • The Caring for America Awards are presented to states and clubs that demonstrate excellence in community service and outreach.

  • The Campaign Volunteer Awards are presented to states that demonstrate excellence in donating volunteer time to the benefit of the Republican Party, Republican candidates, or the NFRW.

  • The State Public Relations Awards recognizes states that do an outstanding job of improving Federation visibility and attracting media coverage of Federation accomplishments.

  • The Membership Incentive Awards are presented to states and clubs that demonstrate excellence in the area of membership development.

By-laws ..... Theresa Hoffman

“The content of a society’s bylaws has an important bearing on the rights and duties of members within the organization. In order to give the organization the greatest freedom to act within its objectives, the bylaws should not be made more restrictive nor more detailed in specification than necessary.”  It is the role of the NYSFRW Bylaws Committee to review the NYSFRW bylaws annually to ensure the bylaws meet the needs of the organization and to propose amendments as necessary or as required by the National Federation of Republican women.

Campaign ..... Stacey J. Fantauzzi

The Campaign Committee oversees one of our cherished goals – to get more Republicans elected to public office at every level of government.  Since our members hail from all parts of the state, we have the opportunity to share the news about Republican candidates and political races to all our members regardless of their geographic home. The Campaign committee assists clubs to form their own campaign strategies through information and advice offered to clubs.   It gathers NYSFRW members’ and club’s volunteer hours for their work on political campaigns.

The Campaign committee coordinates with candidates in ways which we can help with campaign mailings, walking for candidates and making phone calls on behalf of the candidates.

Finance ..... Darlene Harris

To paraphrase Robert’s Rules of Order, “It shall be the duty of this committee to prepare a budget for the fiscal year. . . and submit it to the body” . . . at its annual meeting.    

Legislation ..... Christina Bennett

The Legislative Committee is designed to keep members abreast of legislative news and events on the local, state and national level.  Members should have a working knowledge of the legislative process at every level of government.  In conjunction with the NYSFRW president, the committee should develop a plan of action for the NYSFRW to influence government positively.  For a complete description please see the NFRW Leader’s Guide and Office Training Manual.

Millennium .....  MaryAlice Panek

The Millennium 2000 is the State version of the NFRW Regents program. The money generated from membership is earmarked to fund special Federation projects, in addition to any "special need" purchases that will promote the Federation’s image.  The program started in 2000 and membership has always been $100 per year. By joining, you are helping the Federation be self-sufficient and fiscally sound, should another opportunity arise that is not ordinary to daily business.  The Club primarily awards scholarships to female college students who are the daughter, niece, or granddaughter of a NYSFRW member.

Past Presidents' Advisory  ..... Kim Bowers

The Past Presidents Advisory Committee was formed to assist new presidents.  As a collective, the Committee offers its experience and expertise to the president as needed.

Public Relations  .....Bonnie Ross

The Public Relations committee works to build relations with a multitude of audiences throughout the State.  They coordinate efforts to share information on behalf of the New York State Federation of Republican Women building relationships and influencing public perception by disseminating information on behalf of our organization.

Resolutions ..... Christina Bennett

It is the responsibility of the Resolutions Committee to compose a main motion that, due to its complexity or importance, should be presented in writing to the general membership.  The Resolutions committee also prepares courtesy resolutions at the request of the president.

Rules ..... Barbara Ellman

Standing rules are rules which are related to parliamentary procedure and which can be adopted or changed upon the same conditions as any ordinary act of the Federation.  A standing rule may be adopted by a majority vote at any meeting without prior notice.  As a practice, standing rules have been adopted at each annual conference are in effect for that conference.  It is the responsibility of the Rules Committee to review past standing rules and submit standing rules to be adopted for use at the general sessions of NYSFRW meetings.

Ways & Means ..... Heather Scribner

Ways and Means is essentially the fundraising committee.  The committee is responsible for adopting a fundraising plan that will enable the Federation to fulfill its mission.  Dues are not sufficient to meet the financial needs of the Federation.  In the past, this had centered on asking elected NYS Senators, Assemblymen, National Representatives, businesses and members to support the Federation by becoming sponsors and taking ads in the annual conference program book.  It has also included conducting a “Truck Sale or Trinket table” and obtaining items for auction.

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